Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Eggshell Seedlings: Day 7

Things are looking good with the seedling project -I already have 1-2 inches worth of green shoots showing! I have to say the most amazing thing is that they started sprouting out of the ground on the third day. I was shocked that they 'turned into something' so soon!
I think the trick has been to keep them in natural sunlight as much as possible -I was even moving them around to different windows as the light changed through the first few days- and keeping them watered. I put a few drops in each eggshell every morning to keep them damp. They do tend to stretch towards the sun, so I try to rotate them during the day to keep them from getting too crooked.

Since these guys sprouted so quickly, I've also started a few biodegradable seedling trays with some climbing flowers. I'm not sure what I'll rig so that they can climb around on our balcony later, but I thought something beyond the potted plant would be fun. They seem to be taking a little longer to get out of the soil.

Anybody else plant some seeds? How's it going? I'm actually wondering if these are going to be too tall to use for the table by the time Easter comes around, ha! On the other hand, I'm scared to rely on another round because I'd have to use different seeds (can't recall exactly what I used the first time, some kind of balcony wildflower mix) and who knows if they would be slower?


Monika said...

I am really bad with seeds. I planted hyacinths 3 weeks ago, but they are dead already... not my thing I guess. But these look so lovely! I really like this idea!

Janneke said...

What a lovely idea to plant the seeds in eggshells!
I just put flowers at my balkony and hope that they'll survive. I don't think seeds would grow when would take care of them ;)

Funkytime said...

i made something similar;-) but i turned the eggshells into a bride and groom;-)http://fun.kyti.me/index.php/2011/04/here-comes-the-bride/

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