Thursday, September 1, 2011

And the winner is... (+ survey results)

First off, I just realized I've been calling the prize "The Handmade Home" when it's English title is clearly "The Homemade Home"...whoops! I mean, really...
Secondly, since I had my husband help me write down all the entries on slips of paper before letting him draw the winner, he had to read the original post. It was at this point that he read my pathetic German translations. He's a German and he's a teacher, so of course there was much head shaking and smiles. I've been told to go back to German class; we'll see about that...

Which brings me to the VERY strange result shown by my survey: although 66% of you are native English speakers, 70% of you want to see my posts written in both English and German! How does that compute?? I know 2 people said they wanted to practice their German, but since we know my German is less than perfect, maybe I shouldn't assist in your demise, ha ha! Seriously though, what up?

Here's a short summary of the survey results:
  • There was an even representation between readers who are new and been reading between 1-2+ years.
  • 50% found this blog via another blog
  • only women completed the survey, but I know I have at least 3 male readers =)
  • 58% of you are in your 30's and the rest of you are likely to be older
  • 66% of you are native English speakers, 16% are native German speakers, 16% of you speak another language.
  • While 70% of you want me to write in English and German, 30% want English only -and nobody voted for German only (phew!).
The language verdict: since most people are native English speakers I will continue to write in English and will sometimes include a German version. This means more German than in the past, just not all the time. But feel free to leave German comments!

Now that's out of the way, I have to say my husband and I had fun writing down all the entries and I let him draw a winner.

Congratulations to Desha Peacock!

Desha, I'll send you an email to get your shipping address so I can send you a copy of the book.

If you didn't win but would still like a copy of the book, grab the English version here and the German version here. Looking for more creative book ideas? Check out the comments on the original giveaway post here to see what creative books others love!


Tally said...

Regarding the language: The option "doesn't matter / ist egal" was missing.
I guess that's the reason why some people went for the option "both".
So I would say: Don't worry.

Juliette said...

That's a good point Tally. I should've included that option to get a more accurate measure of people's thoughts. Thanks for that insight!

desha peacock said...

First, I have to say I love seeing my name that big on your blog- ha ha! Pretty cool!
Second, as a multi-cultural gal who speaks Spanish and English I just think it's great you can put your blog in both, that's why I said keep them both~

Thanks for having the contest, it's my first time to win anything on a blog and I'm super excited to get this book in the mail!!!

xo Desha Peacock

Punctuation Mark said...

I've been thinking about a little survey for days... it's funny to see what people think...

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