Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Craft it Forward 2011 Buttons

Craft it Forward started out with Allison's blog post, to which I responded and wrote my own post here. She received a request for a 'blog button' and emailed me, so I pulled a little something together. However, I wasn't sure what to call it...Pay it forward craft-style? or??? "Craft it forward" seemed a little more natural, but when I googled it I found the facebook page from where it all began. So I'll give credit where credit is due in terms of the idea's origin, but I have to say I love how Allison took it off Facebook and into the blogosphere. I like how this is a fun way to creatively share with other readers and bloggers and a way to learn about some new blogs!

What is Craft it Forward?

Craft it Forward is where one person sends 5 others something they've made in exchange for the 5 recipients promising to do the same. In theory, this becomes a giant web of people sending each other stuff, while not being overwhelming (since the limit is 5). You also commit to doing this by the end of the calendar year.

How does Craft it Forward work on a blog?

The rules: Craft it Forward 2011: I promise to send something handmade to the first 5 people who leave a comment here... They must in turn post this on their blog and send something they make to the first 5 people who comment. The rules are that it must be handmade by you (sewing, painting, pottery, photography, whatever!), and it must be sent to your 5 people sometime in 2011.

First, write a post on your blog with a link back to wherever you heard about the idea first (I think this is a fun way to see who else is taking part and you may find some fun new blogs while you're at it!)

Then come back and comment here and include a link to your post (this way others get a chance to check out some new blogs, too!)

Make sense?

If you'd like to connect to other bloggers who are "Crafting it Forward", you can either comment on my post here (in which case I will mail the first 5 commenters something), or you can grab a badge/button and start it up on your own blog.

* You don't need a blog to 'craft forward'. Check out the facebook page if you want to do it that way.

Here are four Craft it Forward badges for your blog. Just right click and save the image:

If you'd like a Craft it Forward button, I made one with this image. Just copy and paste the HTML text below into a widget for your blog's sidebar. The embedded link will send people back to this post so they can know what Craft it Forward is.


Happy Craft it Forward-ing!


Kelly said...

I love this idea and can't wait to see all of the people who participate! I think I've already got myself a bit stretched thin this year (ha! it's only January 20th!) but I am eagerly following all of the people participating in this. Such a cool idea.

Unknown said...

This sounds great and if I didn't have a kazillion things on my to-do-list I should have done yesterday I'd be in. Sound like good fun!!
Thanks for stopping by :o)
x andrea

Winterkind said...

Habe mir grade hier den Button abgeholt ... danke für die Arbeit damit!
Liebe Grüße, Fredda

Rosa Rood said...

Super Idee! Auch bei mir klebt ein Button..und mache ich bei dieser Aktion gerne mit ;o)
Groetjes aus Amsterdam,

Unknown said...

Such a great idea!
I'm part of it ;*)

Decolove said...

Thanks so much for this idea, I will share it on my Blog

Buchentochter said...

Just read about "Craft it forward" yesterday on "denzwitschergeflüster" (
I'm taking part as well!

Celina said...

Hello, does anyone want to play with me....Just posted yesterday!

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