Saturday, July 17, 2010

Departure: Road Trip Scandinavia

Today we're packing up and tomorrow we're heading out on our Great Scandinavian Roadtrip. The past week has been a rush of work, but it only makes me all the more ready to bust out of here! I still have an artist interview coming up, which may post while we're on our trip, but it may have to wait. Mainly though, I'm just looking forward to exploring some great northern cities and cruising on lots of ferries, and hanging with old friends in Finland.


This week we booked the last leg of our trip - to Estonia! I've always wanted to visit Estonia for some reason, so I'm excited it worked out to squeeze this into our already packed agenda. The fun thing is, we'll also get a chance to meet up with Epp! (and in Copenhagen we'll be meeting up with Tina and her Traveling Tribe!) So fun to incorporate meeting some new friends in real life with our big trip!

roadtrip pic

I hope you're having a delightful summer. See you in early August!


Jul said...

Cool! That looks like a wonderful trip. I bet Tallinn will be a highlight - I loved Estonia.

Have a great time!

Karoliina said...

Your OLD friends are waiting...

Juliette said...

yeah, grab your canes and walkers, ha ha! see you soon! can't wait!!!

likeschocolate said...

I have heard that these places are amazing!

Laura said...

exciting! Come back with photos for us!

Wilma said...

Felicitaciones y Saludos desde Venezuela. Muy Bello Blog.

jane said...

can´t wait for the photos!

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